![Romawi 789](https://rc6t.keziahoriginals.com/static/romawi-789.jpg)
Roman numeral converter
Convert a Roman numeral to Arabic, or an Arabic numeral to Roman. Understand Roman numerals letter by letter. See also the calculator to input full mathematical formulas with Roman numbers.
Convert Roman or Arabic:
All number forms might not show up due to missing font support. See special numbers. For easier input, you may type I) for 500, (I) for 1,000 etc.
All fractions might not show up due to missing font support. For easier input, you may type . (period) and it will show as · automatically. Similarly, you may write ) for 1/48 and )) for 1/1728.
This converter accepts Arabic and Roman numerals. Roman numerals can be given in conventional, alternative and archaic forms. The converter does not verify the Roman number you type is in a commonly used format. Arabic numbers are accepted in range 1…4,999,999. For larger numbers use the calculator.
Calculator for Roman numerals
Roman numerals complete list
dalam Angka Romawi
Tujuh Ratus Delapan Puluh Sembilan sebagai Angka Romawi
, which was formerly so frequently quoted by a certain class of Bible critics as a "blunder" on the part of the Gospel historian, has in recent years received unexpected confirmation. It was claimed that Luke's statement regarding a Roman census of Judea was a pure invention and that Cyrenius was a myth. Now, however, it has been discovered by historians and excavators that the entire passage which has occasioned so much controversy is literal fact. Sir William Ramsay, the noted archeologist, while excavating at Antioch of Pisidia (in Asia Minor) in 1912- 13, unearthed inscriptions which revealed that Cyrenius was the name of the governor of Syria at the period of the Advent. Further, it has been established by careful investigation of ancient historical sources that the Roman authorities took a regular fourteenth-year census, and that under the prevailing law every one at some time within the year had to go and personally register in his native city.